7201 - Lips, injuries of

DBQ: Link to Index of DBQ/Exams by Disability for DC 7201 


Lip injury results from a break in the surface either externally or internally. The external mucosa of the lips is dry, and the inner mucosa is moist.


Trauma from falls, objects, dog bites, and blows to the face are some common causes of injury to the lip.

Signs & Symptoms

Manifestations of injuries may include: broken skin; lacerations; hematoma; bruises; difficulty in chewing or swallowing; and infection from bites.


Visual inspection and palpation are routine examinations performed to determine the extent of injury.


Treatment measures may include wound care, repair of lacerations, and changes of sterile dressings.


Visible facial scars may have a harmful effect on an individual's self-esteem.

Special Considerations

  • None.


  • Rate as for disfigurement of face